Sunday, January 3, 2010

My Wedding

Never actually thought about how I would get married one day. I attended a very traditional wedding ceremony yesterday. It was a little too messy. I mean, relatives come and go and some didn't even wish the Bride & the Groom some luck in their future endeavor. Let's not bitch about their wedding.
I rather fantasize about mine....

Firstly it has to be well-planned...with schedule and dress code.... more like a ceremony.... Less regimental but a ceremony nonetheless. The people on duty will be in a dress code.... Guests can wear whatever they want but do not try to outshine the Bride & the Groom.

The place must be grand... maybe in a country club, hotel or even the magnificent cruise!! It's good if I have the good view of the sea...
In addition, the settings must be like MTV..... The Stage all well decorated...there will be performances by my guests.... red carpet.... walk of fame..... moon men and best of all my bride dresses in one of Lady GaGa's best costume....or it'll be me in it...

Next, the food must be chic..... finger food..... expensive ones like nougat for crunchies and eclairs to make u fat. It'll be course meal for everyone that night.... they have to choose either chicken, or beef for that night..... even vegetarians.... but they would have to indicate so that they'll get fake meat.... White wine for white meat.... Red whine for red meat... Margarita for Vegetarian... :P. We'll have the toast for all the important people, especially my lady GaGa and me... then whole dinner will include 10 dishes or more and the menu will be placed on the table inclusive of the routine order...

Media and Publicity will be extravaganza.... I want the best camera to shoot us.... like those big lenses you see in soccer matches.... the lighting must be up to the standards of the Istana. I want the emcee to be very spontaneous and must be from mass comm. I want A Zirca DJ to hit the records for that night. I want the wedding to be televised...if can.... LOL

So the guest arrives....mingling session... be seated on time.... arrival of Sexy Couples...... speech by Groom or Bride.... by best man..... toast to many VIPs.... performances.... phototaking..... kiss the bride..... Eat..... the Departure of the Fat Sexy Couples..... get a Bentley to drive us away back to our newly bought home..... and VOILA I'm MARRIED....

Just a dream