She's lovely right. Guys if you are interested please see her love life agent, ME! Wohhoooo it'll be worse than BAC & BDC selection. We aren't looking for the best. We are looking for the perfect match.
Tracy, may you have pleasant days ahead :)
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Shol! Get out! It's My PHOTO!
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
I'm lost in the middle on an endless ocean. After 3 years with the absence of cherry blossoms, I know the sweat of my brow never dripped once. Eventhough there's no wind; I'll never touch the same water. Standing on a helm as the Captain of the ship but my crew can see that I can't navigate, cook or even use swords. Occasional tempest and tidal waves would disrupt my voyage but they can never break the bow and the mast. Now with a new crew, I believed in a new hope as well as false hope that was given to the late Captain when my batch of people joined the crew.
One year after, I decided to become the shipwright and upgrade the ship that can conquer the seven seas and outrun any other. To my surprise, our ship went into combat. I trust my crew, my leaders and my ship. However I got onto a boat and flee from the ship discreetly. I rowed away and away. Suddenly my instinct told me to stop. Sigh... I looked at the ship with green sails. Should I go back?
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
I pushed myself beyond limits. I sacrificed the thing I want most. I kept asking myself why that decision. There are no answers for my question but it begged for more questions. I was confused and others’ opinions are just maddeningly unhelpful for I understand myself best. However the best I can understand myself is not to understand myself at all. To find my forte is never assured but discovering something new about me, that’s dead certain. Not only I’ve discovered something new about me, I’ve discovered a new me. With that, I forgot my past and I’m not feeling comfortable.
I’m like on a street that runs both ways. I'm walking towards one end but the terrain was rough with sharp-edged rocks and there’s no telling what is to come. Somehow my heart tells me that the thing I want most is somewhere at the opposite end. It was the thing that kept me going, the thing that drove me but now I went way off the course. I’d choose to turn back but what if it disappears before I could even come close? Now would you guys excuse me, I just need some alone time. Sigh.
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
It looks comfy, it is comfy, it smells nice and I just got my afternoon nap on it right after it came into the house. Tyler, you stay away from it!
This is the Teaser!
And here's the main event!
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments