Weeeeeee!!!! My little Tracy is finally 17!!! Hmmm... Let me see what I can say about Tracy, Captain's favourite. She's not cute. She's adorable. I like the way you the the 'angry' gesture. I'm never disappointed in her because she's always original. I don't expect her to be soaring in NCC because I' be happy if she is comfortable with the way she is. So don't you dare step right up to her and say, "Why aren't you a Captain like your Daddy?" However, if she becomes one someday...I'll be proud. I enjoyed every goddamn second with you Radin Tracy!

She's lovely right. Guys if you are interested please see her love life agent, ME! Wohhoooo it'll be worse than BAC & BDC selection. We aren't looking for the best. We are looking for the perfect match.
Tracy, may you have pleasant days ahead :)
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