What the Frog? I wasn't convinced with the result. I kept asking him questions about what is going to happen when I enlist. I wasn't going to jump from C-130 after all. So I quickly cab down to 2nd Home to witness the selection and tried to give myself hope. There, only is eligible to take the selection tests. Chief of Air was there and he hasn’t taken his medical screening. I went straight to Commandant and asked him what the possibilities are. The Legendary Isammudin was there. He wasn't that fearsome as they used to say.
There I was, with Alvin, in CMPB again on Wednesday. Went through all the tests again. Nothing much changed in me after a day. So I'm prepared to get the same results. Went in to see the MO again. And he said the same things. And he was looking at my ECG result for a little while. And I was expecting the same result. And there it was, "You're fit for your course." Okay. Okay? What?! I got through!!! Wooohoooo!!!!
Lesson learnt is...........Believe in yourself....