This is Neo Si Jin or better known by me & Jacklyn as Chin. On 09/07/09 we went to Palawan Beach. All of us got burnt by the giant spotlight but Jacklyn got the worst. She's like vanilla and strawberry now. As for me, I got no issues. I'm already dark :P
Si Jin got targeted many times, in the sea, along the shore and even out of Palawan. It was not only by us but even by some random thing. She went out of the sea in pain with her leg having a scratch mark. The lifeguard said she got stung by a marine creature, JELLYFISH!!!! LOL!!!!
I watch Discovery Channel and it was mentioned that such stings can be cured by urine's content. I would be glad to pee on her. Now don't get me wrong, it's for charity. I won't do specially for her. If anyone of my friends got stung, I'll pee on anyone of them. However, I have stage fright so we used the more civilized way, a solution by the lifeguard. NOT HIS SOLUTION, his bottle of anti-jellyfish stings spray.
Poor little Chin. She brought something extra with her home. I thought she'll be traumatized with jelly for quite sometime but surprisingly she got over it so quickly. She was eating gummy bears on the way back to Vivo City. Tio Bo!
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