I was Exiled to be away, to observe, to learn but never to hide. She moved without me, without my mind, without my words. Some parts of her might be paralyzed after I was gone. They became insignificant to her and soon their services are no longer needed. Some pillars chose to take away their hearts which were once thrust deep within her, where mine is and never barge an inch. What were my errors?
I studied long enough about the affairs going on within her & beyond her. The power of words in her is fading. Elders leaving, new blood is disappointing. Are there any devotion left in her? Is she alright? Whispers kept murmuring she's ill and frail. I was there when she was born. I was there with some of them when she got her first breath. We were there when she was first written into history. But I wasn't really there when she became ill. Have I betrayed her?
I was portraying her but that was the past. Tides were not as those that wash her these days. Her new mind, voice and heart faced even greater adversaries lately, especially how faith plunged into the maelstrom. One of the Elder is still there to ensure the adherents keep multiplying. The other Elder, a stronger one, came back lately to provide support. She's slowly healing but her mind is facing unrest. So much that the adherents could do but only a devotee could calm her mind.
I'm a devotee, I'm an Elder, I'm the Pioneer. The only crime is to destroy whatever we have started. I would never let her die.
July 28, 2009,
I shall return to her but this time with an established vision.
I shall return and reclaim the twisted.
I shall see the Matriarch once more.
I will be delighted to see her because The Matriarch was the reason I was eager to establish her mind but of course it was someone else who brought me to her initially, long before the Matriarch came in.
Put aside the Student Rebel. Be someone who I can be. I'll give faith to all adherents and keep none for myself. I will no longer sit in the head table but rather with the Matriarch sharing wise words. My time to lead her is over. Now it is his time and he shall bring West back to its feet. Each adherent has the power to cure her. Will you be the one?
I Am Captain Jack
And I'm proud to serve West Once more.
Carpe Diem!
I studied long enough about the affairs going on within her & beyond her. The power of words in her is fading. Elders leaving, new blood is disappointing. Are there any devotion left in her? Is she alright? Whispers kept murmuring she's ill and frail. I was there when she was born. I was there with some of them when she got her first breath. We were there when she was first written into history. But I wasn't really there when she became ill. Have I betrayed her?
I was portraying her but that was the past. Tides were not as those that wash her these days. Her new mind, voice and heart faced even greater adversaries lately, especially how faith plunged into the maelstrom. One of the Elder is still there to ensure the adherents keep multiplying. The other Elder, a stronger one, came back lately to provide support. She's slowly healing but her mind is facing unrest. So much that the adherents could do but only a devotee could calm her mind.
I'm a devotee, I'm an Elder, I'm the Pioneer. The only crime is to destroy whatever we have started. I would never let her die.
July 28, 2009,
I shall return to her but this time with an established vision.
I shall return and reclaim the twisted.
I shall see the Matriarch once more.
I will be delighted to see her because The Matriarch was the reason I was eager to establish her mind but of course it was someone else who brought me to her initially, long before the Matriarch came in.
Put aside the Student Rebel. Be someone who I can be. I'll give faith to all adherents and keep none for myself. I will no longer sit in the head table but rather with the Matriarch sharing wise words. My time to lead her is over. Now it is his time and he shall bring West back to its feet. Each adherent has the power to cure her. Will you be the one?
I Am Captain Jack
And I'm proud to serve West Once more.
Carpe Diem!

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