Saturday, December 5, 2009
I didn't choose for this to happen
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Sunday, November 8, 2009
To My Escapade!
I got to unwind myself before getting back to the papers.
Few things I need to complete
To set the Teachers free
To imprisoned the Cadets and then set them free
To venture into uncharted terrains
And After That........
I'm going to party till the dust settles for next year....
Then studying would be nothing but a formality.....
I'm looking forward to the Christmas Party we are having.
It's gonna be the first time we ever organize this.
Many people will be invited
The theme is going to be very stupendous!
With the VIPs all in dress code,
The DJ playing the latest hits,
Drinks and food served directly to guests,
Games to keep them busy,
And what kind of X'mas party doesn't have any gifts?
But I have to wait tomorrow after tomorrow till this day arrives...
Meanwhile, I'll keep myself preoccupied...
But it's ok!
Because tomorrow's just a song away!
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Zinc Iodide Magnesium Aluminide Hydroxide
Pure water is odorless, colorless, and tasteless.
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Friday, October 9, 2009
I Can't Falter
Bao Bei, if you are reading this....I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made you angry before paper. By the way your hair isn't weird. It's disgusting....hehe just a joke....staaaay calm. I mean it was different. It's not so bad. I mean you have hair....unlike some balding flimsy brush.
Now, I have to focus on bio. It's very tough. What can you expect? It is science!
Commencing Condition Red
Prepare For
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
Music Empire!
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Me, Myself & iPod
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Clash of Bones and Sinews
There are a handful of people expressing themselves in such a way that people would not enjoy seeing. Either they are seen as pretentious or just faking their personalities. It can be a real turn off when one tries too hard in being someone he or she isn't. Would you let someone hate you for whom you are or love you for who you are not? Either way it may seem like a loss. Pretending requires effort and energy. You will get tired one day and when that day comes, the truth may turn out to be very ugly. It isn't ugly because it's the truth but it is ugly because it came out from a lie added with hatred, distrust and emotional agony. Sometimes we hate ourselves because we keep comparing ourselves to what we could be. We always find ourselves lacking. We always find ourselves useless. The truth is, our strength lies deep within us and the same strength could really make a difference in the lives of others. If we find that strength, we will learn to love ourselves.
Being yourself is the best thing you could do for yourself. The only thing that is constantly changing is your habits. Your actions vary from time to time but your personality remains the same. Your talents are your attributes and they come in many different forms. When you feel like a loser after some setbacks, remember the time when you beat all other millions of sperm.
You owned them!
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
Take this Broken Heart and Make it Right
At the end of the battle, I realized I have not even hoist the colours. I was at a wrong location with some worse people. I worked so hard to accomplish the far-flung goals but the thing I want most, I wasn't even getting closer. In the end, I raised the white flag knowing the hazards of my choice. And everything else started to fall apart. The rebel grew into an outlaw and I got myself trapped in time. Restarting anew could be a good choice but time is of the essence.
As strong as I can look, I am hopelessly weak inside. I'm all blistered and shattered inside. I'm a broken man. I'm not even certain to call myself a man. I fear it so much that I began to hate it. Soon, I took a path far from the sight of thing I want most.
I regained my confidence and started to live but I could never run away from the fact that I'm dead because no man can live without a heart.
Was it something I say to make you turn away, to make you walk out and live me cold?
Why do you keep us apart? Why won't you give up your heart?
I don't suppose we meant to be together
But should we be the sea & the sky, where both are as blue but they rest side by side.
You can call me hopeless because I'm hopelessly in love
You can call me not perfect but then again, who's perfect?
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Get Along Little Doggies
I was being pretty much like myself for the MI NDP celebration. We were like prisoners last Friday. We were locked inside home room for the entire day to listen to the PA system and celebrate NDP carrying out the preventive measures of H1N1.
Immediately after that, I thought I deserve to pamper myself with some movies. Public Enemies was cool and I'm not gonna be a spoiler to tell the synopsis. Next was G.I.JOE which was action-packed and never a dull moment. Thumbs up for both of them and a kiss to Johnny Depp.
That wasn't all. The next day I witness a Parade in Bukit Batok by the NCC featuring other uniform groups. Well done to all the participants. Went out for dinner with my friends and then we hanged on the vert to share our love life. I got to say we are losers in this aspect of life. However, someone's gonna be a winner soon.
If think that's about it, you are wrong. We went out the next day to see Fireworks! Then I met Oranat in Zouk. Honestly that club stank for that day. I reunited with my friends after that and this time we share about our hard times everywhere, especially in our beloved organization.
So now I'm back making a cup of tea for myself.
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Resurrected Wings
I studied long enough about the affairs going on within her & beyond her. The power of words in her is fading. Elders leaving, new blood is disappointing. Are there any devotion left in her? Is she alright? Whispers kept murmuring she's ill and frail. I was there when she was born. I was there with some of them when she got her first breath. We were there when she was first written into history. But I wasn't really there when she became ill. Have I betrayed her?
I was portraying her but that was the past. Tides were not as those that wash her these days. Her new mind, voice and heart faced even greater adversaries lately, especially how faith plunged into the maelstrom. One of the Elder is still there to ensure the adherents keep multiplying. The other Elder, a stronger one, came back lately to provide support. She's slowly healing but her mind is facing unrest. So much that the adherents could do but only a devotee could calm her mind.
I'm a devotee, I'm an Elder, I'm the Pioneer. The only crime is to destroy whatever we have started. I would never let her die.
July 28, 2009,
I shall return to her but this time with an established vision.
I shall return and reclaim the twisted.
I shall see the Matriarch once more.
I will be delighted to see her because The Matriarch was the reason I was eager to establish her mind but of course it was someone else who brought me to her initially, long before the Matriarch came in.
Put aside the Student Rebel. Be someone who I can be. I'll give faith to all adherents and keep none for myself. I will no longer sit in the head table but rather with the Matriarch sharing wise words. My time to lead her is over. Now it is his time and he shall bring West back to its feet. Each adherent has the power to cure her. Will you be the one?
I Am Captain Jack
And I'm proud to serve West Once more.
Carpe Diem!

Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Vacant Alleys Literally Elucidate Really Illogical Eccentricities
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Honey Bunnies
They are my new family members and they can live harmoniously with my cats. Things have been hectic in my life and before you know it, I've already waxed my legs the 3rd time this year. When I had a rough day from anywhere abyssal, Lucy & Bucky can make things right. Their unstoppable sniffing and nibbling will make you want to bite them.
I saw you today. My feelings for you didn't really change despite the distance. You used to be the only right thing going on in my life and you are the only reason why I don my No.4. I used to say to myself that whenever something bad happens, it couldn't be that bad because I got you to talk things out. The unavoidable truth is I miss you.
Even if I have these bunnies, it will be the same without you.
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Jack's Alter Ego

Yeah! It is a Corset!!!!!
I want! I want! I WANT!!!!!!
And you might think it is inappropriate for me to be in that lungs compressing apparel. Oh Come On! I wore a tutu and leotards when I was young! I put on make up most of the time when I go out with my mom! I carry purse instead of Wallet! And My legs are nicely WAXED!!!! So I think adding a little bit more femininity wouldn't change much of my genetic configuration. I promise to you readers that I will let the whole school see me wear it one day. I know it'll be hard to breathe in it but I'll make the people looking at me having difficulty in breathing instead:P
So Stay tuned for Jack in Corset Coming soon this 2009!
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
Sunshine Parade on Thursday!

This is Neo Si Jin or better known by me & Jacklyn as Chin. On 09/07/09 we went to Palawan Beach. All of us got burnt by the giant spotlight but Jacklyn got the worst. She's like vanilla and strawberry now. As for me, I got no issues. I'm already dark :P
Si Jin got targeted many times, in the sea, along the shore and even out of Palawan. It was not only by us but even by some random thing. She went out of the sea in pain with her leg having a scratch mark. The lifeguard said she got stung by a marine creature, JELLYFISH!!!! LOL!!!!
I watch Discovery Channel and it was mentioned that such stings can be cured by urine's content. I would be glad to pee on her. Now don't get me wrong, it's for charity. I won't do specially for her. If anyone of my friends got stung, I'll pee on anyone of them. However, I have stage fright so we used the more civilized way, a solution by the lifeguard. NOT HIS SOLUTION, his bottle of anti-jellyfish stings spray.
Poor little Chin. She brought something extra with her home. I thought she'll be traumatized with jelly for quite sometime but surprisingly she got over it so quickly. She was eating gummy bears on the way back to Vivo City. Tio Bo!
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Settler's Cafe

You must be wondering why was he wearing that headband with Sydney attached to it.
Lately, we went to Settlers Cafe to play some Boardgame.
They offer more than just an everyday boardgame.
Like, have you heard of Ugly Dolls?? Don't have to try answering
Precisely my point.
But I gotta say this....Board Game isn't the Syukri's thing.
Unlike IT where He became Dumbledore in it,
But he was really getting whupped up in those board games!
The good thing is, he learns quite fast and soon became a competitive player in the Late Game.
So I recommend all of you to get yourself seated in Settlers' Cafe and laugh over a Board Game.
Enjoyable place especially when City Hall is getting boring.
I gotta thank those of you who caught me off guard and dumped me into the fountains along SMU. At least I wasn't 100 pounds soaking wet like Mr. Syukri.
We dumped him into a deeper place, the fountain in front of Ngee Ann City.
To amplify that one, he took a bus home with the freezing air-con.
Good Day
Good Games
Good Pranks
Good People!
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Friday, June 26, 2009
See What the Rangers have to Say
Airborne Rangers took a little trip
Stand up, Hook up, Shuffle to the door
Jump right out by the count of 4
Ai Yo Ai Yo Ai Ai Yo
If my wing doesn't open wide
I have another one by my side
If that one doesn't open too
I am in for a jolly good ride
If I land in a Russian Front
Bury me with a Russian Gun
If I land in East Timor
Box me up and send me home
Airborne Rangers, Commandos
Tell my mom I've done my best
Tell My friends I've done my Best
Now it's time for me to rest
I'm not dead yet! Cpt Jack is immortal, remember? But still, I couldn't believe I survived through the training till the second jump. I hate to rig-up. It is full of discomfort especially near the groin. The moment I was prepared to be in action, I started treasuring every second of my life. The Chopper was making so much noise that I couldn't even hear my thoughts. I gripped my static line, my life, tight like holding my wife's hand to cherish the last moments with her.
When the Jump Master gave the command to stand up, my legs started to tremble. I managed to look out of the window and couldn't help but notice...... HOLY SHIT! I'M HIGH UP IN THE SKY!!!! Everything was so small like the size of matchboxes! I swallowed hard and tried to look away from the beautiful but balls-squeezing scene. I was the 4Th jumper and that wasn't really a good thing because I was close to the ramp of the Chopper. I've seen it all now it's time for me to be in action.
It was my turn standing at the edge of that aircraft after the third guy have jumped, the same one carrying the Singapore flag during NDP, The Chinook. It all happened in split seconds. My heart was racing hoping that the tap from the Jump Master wouldn't come. However, it did anyway even before I could overcome my fear. It was a reflex action to automatically punch out of the aircraft if I was tapped. I closed my eyes and jumped out into the Abyss! WHAT THE BRA!!!!??? I WAS OUT IN THE SKY RUSHING DOWN FROM 1000 ft!!! After a few seconds I felt a sudden drag and to my relief, my canopy opened and I'm ready to venture the sky.
After my hangtime, I landed on the Runway in the Airbase. I just got my self all Fu**ed-up. I was having a mental block and didn't know how to react in the nick of time. The landing already hurt my left arm and thigh. The impact was wow! I recovered in time to carry my parachute out of the runway. If I didn't survive the jump, this blog wouldn't even be updated.
I'm a sky trooper. A Spear-head Trooper. A Shock Trooper
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
Just a Little Rock & Roll
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Friday, June 5, 2009
It's Not Easy To Break Me
It's been a while now. I've been busy with school. Don't get me wrong about the word school. It used to be "Jack Dragging his feet to school". Well time has changed. Now it's "Jack being part of the school". I guess many people already knew that. I won't, again, talk about how's school.
I got new companions now. I'll show you in the next post if you wait around. I walk the streets like never before. I'm free from any restrictions. I like what I wear, how I feel and most importantly what I have in mind. Swimming has been my life lately. And to end a good day, I would sit on my couch watching Friends with my companions running free. I just love their occasional 'sniffing-my-ears'.
Recently I went to Nicole's Birthday Party with Oranat. I met many people. Kinda shy to talk to them. Well Jack can only feel shy sometimes. Talked to Nicole a little latter about ourselves. It's cool.
I have a new craze for NUM goods. They are just colourful! Well some say it's gay. Well I'm not gay. I'm the New Urban Male and I party like a Rockstar! Nah....not exactly
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
That's my life
I'm perfectly fine. Ignore the ECG. Ignore the heart abnormalities. Well I'm working on this beautiful piece. I got the tunes on. Hey Syukor, if you are reading this, can help me on this one? I always wanted to be able to kick it at live shows and rip the floors in studios and meet some hot'O. All the people like me wanna do is to have some fun. When I say goodbye I wave my hands hard until I snap my wrist.
Well I cannot live with this thing. Some of you can't live without handphone, well some can't live without iPod. I can't live without TV. It's basically the source of life for me. I'm sure my close friends and 09B5 understand that pretty well. Chowz
P.S. I think I’m okay with you already. We call it….. Iunno….Back to the future?
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Friday, May 1, 2009
MI ink
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Rhythm of my Heart

What the Frog? I wasn't convinced with the result. I kept asking him questions about what is going to happen when I enlist. I wasn't going to jump from C-130 after all. So I quickly cab down to 2nd Home to witness the selection and tried to give myself hope. There, only is eligible to take the selection tests. Chief of Air was there and he hasn’t taken his medical screening. I went straight to Commandant and asked him what the possibilities are. The Legendary Isammudin was there. He wasn't that fearsome as they used to say.
There I was, with Alvin, in CMPB again on Wednesday. Went through all the tests again. Nothing much changed in me after a day. So I'm prepared to get the same results. Went in to see the MO again. And he said the same things. And he was looking at my ECG result for a little while. And I was expecting the same result. And there it was, "You're fit for your course." Okay. Okay? What?! I got through!!! Wooohoooo!!!!
Lesson learnt is...........Believe in yourself....
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
Send Despair back to the Abyss
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Lower the Bridge for More than Just Flesh & Blood
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
My Bloody Valentines
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Friday, April 10, 2009
The Nineteenth Candle
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 1 comments
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Wait Around I'll Smile Again
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 1 comments
Saturday, April 4, 2009
When The Rain Is Pouring Down
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Monday, March 30, 2009
Why do all good things come to an end?
As for Joycey The Brave. Erm.... Well this is part of life when one takes a separate path. Like what I told you before, true friends are not inseparable but being separated and nothing changes. RP is a nice haven. There's something call food haven there. I hoped you find a safe haven there. If RP is making you miserable you can always call the HAPPY-HOTLINE: 97105067. I believed the service is excellent. And if you need anything from RP, call the I-NEED-HELP-HOTLINE: 97105067. It's a good network I think. Well Joyce, Bon Voyage.
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Jhark in the Pool

I love swimming since I was young. Yeah, that's me doing the Frogman. The smell of chlorine water. The white tiles. The metal ladders. The blue tiles which mark each lane. The white grill along the edges of the pool. The sound of the water going out of the pool. The refracted light in the pool. Those are the things that make a perfect swimming pool.
Love is like swimming. Once you learnt how to do it, you can't never forget. However it takes effort to be a good lover just like how to be a good swimmer. And it's really tiring to understand all the moves and how to perform it but it's wonderful once you have got the hang of it.
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Saturday, March 28, 2009
I got Jacked
I'm lost right now but I'm still wide awake. I can't seem to do the right thing. What is the right thing? To me it is when the least is being hurt or preferably none. My friend told me to only look in front as the future is untold and it's definitely going to be better than the past. I can't help but to look back. And that's when I hurt myself again. Every door leads to a new path. Every path tells its own story. I've seen many doors and I found one that has an interesting story behind it.
That door was left opened. I can roughly see what's beyond that door. I held the knob, feeling helpless and threw myself to the floor with my hand still holding tight. Two things might happen if I decided to enter the door: I might be a disappointment to the story or people might not like my story. Thinking about these choices agitates me sometimes that I would just slam the door shut. Lately I saw a friend trying to enter the door but it was locked. Am I meant to enter that door? Is my destiny fixed beyond that door?
Yeap, I'm a coward, I run away from problems rather than solving them. I'm fuuuc-ked!
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Thursday, March 26, 2009
How Actors Changed the Identity of a Character
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
My dream

May my dreams come true.........
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
Reminiscing Totally Trips Me Out
Everything happened so fast and before you knew it, you lost touch in your passion. I opened up my closet today to take out my Trusty No. 4 when I realised I was having some reluctance. It felt like back in the days when I pulled my MI uniform to iron it. I usually dragged my feet to school last year. Sometimes dragging wasn't enough to take me there and eventually my feet failed me.
I have to book in tonight and I don't feel like going. After what had happened i think I lost my trust in some of them. These activities were what I was looking forward to every year. I love NCC, no doubt. You guys are the ones that made NCC colourful. When you guys are gone, NCC would be another place like Fleet Street.
Now, MI, the place that was once gloomy, is finally brightening up. I met few people that gave me a reason to go to school. I've gained the confidence to become a Jackass! in MI. I chose to retain so that I can be reunited with my partner in Crime, Ricadonna! And God bless me with few more like Charis, Rachel, Joyce, Si Jin and Lisa. Charis is like my twin sister.(It brings havoc when you have more than 1 Jack Jack) She has sugar rush, she's bold, she challenges school authorities, she can dance, she can swim(She likes them both), she's dramatic and most of the time she behaves like a Jackass! I love that, I love my sister, I love me. Si Jin is my classmate and she takes care of me pretty well. What a caretaker, it's always challenge when it come to me. I like disturbing Rachel, she's easily duped but it's cute when she shows her punk'd expressions. However, I'll get whacked by Joyce if I disturb her too much. Well I always feel safe when Joycee is around. Never knew her much last year and now I found out that she's cool and nice. More to come about them next time.
As for my class, I LOVE THEM MORE THAN I LOVE MY BIOLOGICAL PARENTS. Our boss is none other than my Sister Jacklyn and I enjoyed the way our class runs. I'm Sarah Palin of my class and I love being Jacklyn's partner. Jacklyn & Jack nifty duo and the Havocs! What a perfect class we have. 09B5!!!!
Well, I didn't choose for that to happen. If it's my fault I would admit it but won't you let me explain. Now I'm banished until the day I can actually return which I wasn't informed of. Well that is just something we have no control over and that's what destiny is. Forgive me for my weakness for I'm only human. However I will return one day to shape up an epic moment.
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Cardiological Test
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Monday, January 26, 2009
Within Walking Distance
Again and again people tried to give excuses to remove their threat.
There will always be dispute, therefore power is necessary.
The path they took,
The path they believed could lift them from their miseries.
It brought great suffering to both sides, nonetheless.
It's nothing personal.
It's just good business.
Should the warmongers be left laughing in this world?
Should a child take a bullet in times of skirmishes?
Should husbands leave the house and never return?
Should wives be at service to the Powerful?
Should we open doors to Him?
He'll be a better leader than any other legend.
Hitler would not even be close.
He is the providence.
He is the New World.
I hope I'd not live to see such times.
Then again, who would?
It's not for us to decide.
What we can decide is what to do with the time given.
Should we risk it all in our Mortal Life?
Or should we embrace sufferings so that the Afterlife would be much availing.
Life is cruel.
Why should the afterlife be any different?
Well turn to the Powerful and postpone the judgment.
Live for Eternity
Die for Eternity
You decide......
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
A Little more 19 Candles
I went out with Linga & Mitchell for lunch at the expense of my sleep( I didn't sleep for 2 days:\). So immediately after that, I slept long enough to accumulate 46 missed calls. It was Minister of Manpower! He claimed that his family was having some BBQ over at West Coast. I woke up about 8 and got myself ready for the BBQ. I didn't pick up any calls when any of them tried to get me. How'd you like the Missing Jack Sparrow!
I was amazed seeing faces that have no appointment in WJLA. I began to wonder for a moment. Luckily I was quick enough to catch that little message. Hell Yeah! They surprised me. As usual every Birthday Celebration comes with a Birthday Bash. I used to be the planner now I'm the plan. They made me into a walking pasta. I noticed MPO's laughter was the most evil. My fair warning to you. What happened to Nick Carter when he tried to punk Ashton Kutcher? The same that will happen to you my MPO except........ I'll collect seaweed in a jar. And all others, each of your presence is a sin. Therefore I need to absolve them. Muahahahahah! At least the BBQ was cool. Few little burnt finger food and a bottle of rum. Drink up me hearties Yoho! And Thanks Crow for The Sparrow Kitty!
I was scheduled for lunch with Lil Tracy, Qiqi and Project XR. We had Swensen's in West Mall. And again I was late, late as usual. Gosh! I gotta change my sleeping pattern. And so they came to conclusion that my acneland is caused by my lack of sleep, perhaps. We came to an interesting tutorial by Tracy. She taught us how to be a good kisser. You want to know how? Please fill in the application form and pass it to Tracy. Ouh and I gotta thank you kitty for that Famous Amos! A little name for you sweetheart. Egotional!
When you thought everything is over, then something just popped! My family made another surprise. I'm beginning to hate surprises now. This time my face became the cake. Well food baths are good. They help you minimize the number of sebum and excess oil that may lead to blackheads and pimples. Yeah right! I woke up yesterday with a hill in my Acneland.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank
and those who were present that night,
Ma Favourite Lil Tracy,
Ma Apple Head Qihui &
Ma Genius Marionette Xinran
Ma Papa
Ma Mama
Ma Queen Elizabeth
Ma Master, the Don Adam
Ma DJ, Fancee Fazz
Ma cousin, Munir Shah (your gift is the best)
(The WJLAs must be cursing me for not mentioning their names)
Ma MPO Sholihin (watch for Vendetta)
Ma 2wo Apito (don't act innocent)
Ma ReplicOs Cloud & Victor (Double Strike)
Ma Star Wars Healme (Beer Goggles coming)
Ma MAJ Singgam ( Hashim) (Coming Soon!)
Ma Trainees Izuan & Hakim (You have pool days you know)
Ma-ni Bhai Syukor (Since 1994) (Hoho! you are in too)
Ma hairdresser
Ma make-up artist
Ma snake
hahaha macam credits!........
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The Darkest Hour
Posted by Cpt. Jack Sparrow 0 comments
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Literal Emoticons
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